Eten Teo
马来西亚剪纸家 Malaysia Chinese Paper Cutting Artist
马来西亚剪纸艺术家Eten Teo拥有超过10年的剪纸经验,用传统的剪纸结合新的元素,为传统剪纸做出传承的努力。
Paper Cutting is a traditional craftsmanship with simple procedure but requires great patience. As time goes by, paper cutting is now merging new design elements and has become an art with full of personal characteristics. In Malaysia, where ethnic and cultural diversity exists, it’s extremely difficult to preserve any traditional folk art.
Paper Cutting is one of the oldest Chinese arts which gives people visual enjoyment by letting the light shine through the space of the cutout. To put it in simple words, it’s an art that cuts papers into various shapes using scissors. It can also be a living art that lets people express their feelings with a pair of scissors and a piece of paper.
Malaysia paper cutting artist Eten Teo has over 10 years of experience in paper-cutting, using traditional paper-cuts combined with new elements to make an inheritance of traditional arts.

电视与网络节目 TV Show and Online Programs
8tv 《启航新春特备》
8tv 《活力加油站》
Cari 《新年特辑》
8tv 《活力加油站》
8tv 《八八六十事》
Cari 《猪贺新春》
Cari 《猪贺新春》
报章新闻 Newspaper Interview
剪纸艺术无师自通星洲日报《大柔佛》社区报今日介绍的故事主人翁张以腾(26岁,广告设计师),他在15岁开始接触剪纸艺术,而当时的他只是为了新年 ...
華人過年離不開張燈結彩、貼上吉祥如意的揮春或剪紙。來自柔佛麻坡的張以騰是個剪紙高手,這個馬年,他也施展了他的這個藝術天份,以細膩 ...
What started as a yearly Chinese New Year tradition has evolved into an exploration of the art of paper cutting. Eten Teo recalled being encouraged to make Lunar New Year decorations by his family when he was in his teens....
在剪纸导师张以腾手把手教学下,李欣怡和吴维彬手工制作出栩栩如生的老鼠剪纸艺术品。 剪纸是中华传统民间艺 ...
《The Star》 Lifestyle
Malaysian self-taught red paper-cutting artist hopes art form will be taught in schools
Thin red paper, a pair of scissors and a pencil - that's all Eten Teo needs to create his Chinese paper-cutting masterpieces...
《The Star》 Nation
As we welcome the Year of the Tiger, let’s take a peek into the art of Chinese red paper-cutting
It's not a complicated activity but some patience and dexterity is required. The art of Chinese red paper-cutting is a folk art that has been around...
To mark the launch of Netflix’s 2023 Lunar New Year collection, Malaysian paper-cutting artist Eten Teo has created an intricate piece highlighting a family’s Lunar New Year celebrations.
Teo’s papercut piece marks the first time a physical artwork is digitised to be featured on a local moment on Netflix — a specially-curated collection of titles that celebrates seasonal moments or social events that are important to local audiences. In addition to Malaysia, Teo’s artwork will also be spotlighted on the Netflix platform in Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Vietnam.

The piece, which took Teo a week to complete, revolves around the word 福 (fú, meaning “fortune” or “good luck”) and is meant to represent the blessings and happiness surrounding the festivities. He also put some of his fondest memories onto paper with his latest work, as some of the scenes are directly inspired by his personal childhood experiences celebrating Lunar New Year with his family.
“Every Chinese New Year, the adults at home will be busy with the required preparations, and children will write couplets to decorate the home. As a child, I was the one helping to decorate and arrange the decorations. Although it can be a bit chaotic, it is actually a very warm scene. Getting together for the new year is a very happy occasion for me,” he said.
Teo also considers the piece as a milestone in his craft, as it is different from his previous style of work. Further elaborating on his process, he said, “It is not the neatest and most perfect in terms of technical aspects, but it shows the different movements and expressions of each character. When it's placed in the context of paper-cutting art, it's a relatively new art style.”
Teo’s creation serves as the centrepiece for Netflix’s 2023 Lunar New Year slate, which showcases a curated and diverse collection of classic and new titles to the theme of A Time for Togetherness. From laugh-out-loud comedies and heartwarming family fare to action-packed blockbusters and award-winning hits, there is sure to be something for everyone.
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